
Monday 8 October 2012

Why I Run

Jack Sparrow running from a tribe of cannibals in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Some of my friends don’t understand why I like to go for a 20 min run several times a week. I guess I can see where they are coming from: when you run for a long time, your legs start to feel like jelly and your lungs scream for you to stop. When they ask me why I run, I always respond with 'I don’t know'. Although that’s not entirely true. I do know why I run. It’s just that there are so many reasons why that I don’t really know where to begin. But I will at least make an attempt:

I run because it teaches me endurance. Nothing in life comes easy. Well, maybe some things do, but the most rewarding things in life are usually the hardest to achieve.

I run because it provides a form of escape. During those 20 mins, I can clear my mind and just concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other. Because running can be quite draining both physically and mentally, you can’t afford to think about anything else. You are entirely focused on the present and can temporarily leave the past behind and not worry about the future.

Disclaimer: This is not me. This is Zeddie Little, also known as the Ridiculously Photogenic Guy

I run because it feels good. I’m not much of a science man but scientific studies have shown that physical activity produces endorphins, which are hormones that make you happy. It's also a pretty good stress reliever too (playing Fruit Ninja also helps).

I run because it’s good for your health. Again, just search the internet and you will find an abundance of articles listing the benefits of physical exercise. For example, running reduces your risk of diseases and boosts your immune system.

I run because it teaches me determination. I don’t know if this is true for most runners/joggers, but there is nothing I hate more than not completing a course. Once I start something, I want to be able to finish it. This refusal to give up drives me to keep on running until I reach the finish line.

I run because it teaches me to set new goals. One of the reasons why I started running two years ago was because I didn’t really have a big goal that I was striving for. So I decided to focus on little goals instead. The first was to run non-stop for 10 mins. Then it got extended to 15min and then 20min. When I attempted my first 5km run in July last year, I aimed to finish it in less than 25 min. In this year's Run Melbourne, I was aiming to do it in under 22 min (and I’m happy to say that I succeeded. *Applause*). 

Now I think this is a nice opportunity to mention that I will be running in the Melbourne City2Sea Run on November 11. This is a 14km run and I’ve never gone beyond 5kms before but I want to challenge myself. And I hope that by pushing myself outside my comfort zone, I will be able to get more sponsors as well, sponsors like you :) The money is going towards the Australian UN Refugee Agency which helps displaced refugees around the world so it’s for a good cause. You can find out more about this organisation here:

And if you wish to sponsor me for the run, you can do so by clicking on this link: 


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